Coming up
23 - 26 May, 2024, Bonn
Let the fun begin!
This Reunion is going to be very, very special and full of great events and loads of fun in and around Plittersdorf, Bad Godesberg, Bonn and many other places you all remember! A Rhein Cruise up River, Dinner on the Godesburg and a cool Theme Party are just a few exciting events.
Highlights of the past
BIS Alumni Evening
Dear Friends,
the first BIS/BAHS alumni get together has taken place on February 21, 2019. We enjoyed a fine glass of wine and good conversation.
Mini-Reunion 2018
Oct 2018 - celebrating Hans Vanden Noort’s 60th birthday (in Turks & Caicos!)
Left to right: Monte Gartner, Pam McConnell, Sandy Howell, and Hans Vanden Noort
Bonn Reunion 2017
Bonn, Thursday, August 31st - Sunday, September 3rd, 2017.
ALUMNI - joined this year for the community´s biggest event. For the All-Bonn American High School Reunion. They came home to Bonn, cought up with friends from the past; and lived the Spirit of BAHS.
Maryland in 2013
Visit with Mr and Mrs.Schofield (John and Sylvia) to Maryland in 2013
Photo´s by Ann Maas Wagner
Previous Events
Reunion Washington 2014
Approximately 150 BAHS members met in Washington/DC and enjoyed the BAHS-Spirit.
Reunion Bonn 1997
Twenty years ago the BAHS Family met in Bonn. And had an amaising time. Shortly before the Bonn American High School closed it`s doors and made room for the BIS (Bonn International School).
Breckenridge in 2002 in colorado
With Michael Shaw, Linda Chaffee Taylor, Jenny Fowler, Christine Evans Steadman, Kathleen McMahon Connell und Ann Maas Wagner.
Reunion 2011
Mit Ron Anderson, Bill Michael, Grazia de la Cruz, Ann Bradley und Isabel de la Cruz.
Breckinridge Reunion in 2002
Mit Laura Stockdill Forest, Jay Myers, Cindy Tuning Limerick, Kathleen Shears, Nick Shears und Mike Kuper.
Chicago Class of '76 20th reunion
Bonn Reunion 1995 in
San Diego
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